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Currents of Silver: Alliance of Silver and Steam Book 5 Read online

Page 8

  His expression shifted. Pity reflected at her from his beautiful hazel eyes and in the line of his mouth as he frowned. “I cannot comprehend what this must be like for you. It is assuredly a shock for me, yet it seems I can walk away without harm.”

  “That is correct. Whilst the pair of you were acting on nothing more than the pull of a mating, what you’ve created is forever. A true until death do you part, which for Clara, could be soon if you run from this.” Eliza sounded grave, as she understood the dangers. “If you would like, I am certain Felicia would speak with you. She detested Greyston but could not avoid the pull of a bond. Now she loves him with the same fierceness she does all else.”

  “I am not a coward. Nor do I need the advice of anyone else.” He spoke to Eliza, then turned to address Clara. “I meant all that I said. You are a stunning woman, and I would like to get to know you. Perhaps had we done that prior to carnal relations I would not feel so uneasy about this. However, I pushed as much as you did, gave as much as you gave. I am sorry that your life is tied to my will. I promise you, I will help you now. I cannot promise you forever, that I will not one day wish to have a family—with you or with another—but I will honor this . . . Whatever it truly is.”

  He rose, clearly shaken but standing firm. She admired his strength, his calmness and most importantly his valor.

  “Thank you,” it was perhaps the most soft spoken she had been since the Alliance had deemed her an ally and not an enemy a decade prior.

  “Please show me to my work station. I do not feel up to learning about how to kill demons on the day I found out my life is tied to one.”

  “Mr. Clark, Hugo–” Eliza started.

  “No. I wish to work on something of my own. Your tools are exponentially greater than those I had access to with Tesla. Give me one day to wrap my mind around this . . . this development.”

  “Please, allow him whatever he needs to make peace with how much of his time he must give to me.” She hated how much her voice sounded like a plea. She had promised herself that she would never beg again after she had been released from the dungeons, it would appear she was incorrect.

  “Granted. One day and this cannot affect your work. Either of you. Lesser men and women have stayed true to their careers whilst fighting this. See to it that you do as well.” Eliza rose and stepped past them both, depressing a button on the wall that caused the secret wall to slide open.

  They sat in silence after Eliza had left. Her mind was spinning with questions for him about how they would make this work, but she knew his questions must far outweigh her own.

  Without a word, Hugo stood and walked to return to the workroom, stopping and turning to face her just before he stepped out of the compartment. “I do not regret what transpired between us. I cannot say I am overjoyed to think of my life tied to another whom I barely know, but I do not regret bedding you or take back my initial impression of you.”

  He didn’t wait for her to respond and she was soon alone in the small room, trying to decide if how Hugo had responded was a blessing or a curse. She’d found her mate, in a man she barely knew. Only time would tell how their paths would continue to intertwine.

  “And just think,” she grumbled as she pushed off the seat to stand, “you’ve got the eve off to stew on this.”


  Some of the nausea had dissolved as the hours had ticked by. He had done a stupendous job of keeping his true terror at the situation locked away. There had been no stopping the fit of anger that exploded when he learned part of his free will had been diminished. Yet, as the night had continued on, he’d realized Clara truly had been dealt the worse hand. He could choose to ignore such a union and merely go on living his life, perhaps with a sliver of guilt. She would perish after a short time, likely the same amount of time it took for a human to starve to death.

  “Possibly just as gruesome to watch,” he noted as he touched the copper and silver filaments together.

  As with countless times in the past, nothing happened. He hadn’t had the ability to voice his thoughts with Tesla, but he had been certain that creating power in the form of light could be done in much the same way a fire could be kindled. It was growing ever clearer to him it was not so.

  “Hugo?” Clara asked, standing mere inches from him.

  Her presence was like a jolt of pure lust, surging through him like a snake. Swallowing, he forced himself to turn to her. She appeared different than she had prior, dressed in traditional feminine garb with her hair plated and curled into a bun at the nape of her neck. The slim blue and lace gown was a charming look on her though he found himself preferring the naughty curves of a corset paired with a flowing skirt. He knew it to be hunting attire, but it stirred many a fantasy in him.

  “Clara,” he choked out, shifting on the wooden stool to hide his growing erection.

  “I know it might be too soon, but I would like to accompany you to dinner. Should we get to know one another better, it might help cope with the situation before us.”

  A laugh escaped him, and he cleared his throat to stop more from coming. “I believe that our entire relationship, short as it has been, has been more than a trifle backwards.”

  A small smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “From your standpoint, I suppose it has. However, here at the Alliance, women oft make the first move when they are interested.”

  “Like sneaking into a man’s chambers to lay with him?” he quirked a brow.

  He watched her stifle the smallest smile and felt a touch guilty that she must think there is a reason to be tense around him.

  “Clara, I want you to know that I do not feel as if you trapped me. I am not entirely ready for something such as this, but I hold no ill will towards you and getting to know you better seems an appropriate next step.” He rose, nearly knocking the wheeled chair beneath the desk behind him as he found it hard to stand with such a strong erection.

  “I think you’ll enjoy meals more than working. I hear it was not always the case, but Jacob and McKenna have always appointed a Royal Chef.” She eyed his crotch but said nothing.

  “Your familiarness with the king and queen, do you all speak of them such?” He understood that the tie betwixt king and hunter was solid, but he had not realized so many knew him.

  “I have only met them briefly. When I finished training to be a hunter, they were present to congratulate me. I suppose I speak of them plainly because those around me do. I spend a great deal of time in the presence of those that far outrank me. It would do me good to learn my place, but no one has spoken to me about such, so I continue as I always have.”

  He nodded, offering her the crook of his arm as they stepped into the lift and the gate closed shut. “Do people eat all at once? It seems strange as we are the only two leaving for a meal.”

  “It is a two-hour period. We come and go as our schedule permits. Some chose to eat elsewhere, though.”

  With a small chime, the lift opened to the main hall. He watched Clara as she stepped out, purely because the lust riding him was telling him too, but he was shocked at what he saw.

  Her face lit up as she stepped out with him, staring with glee at the tree in the center of the room.

  “You enjoy the Christmas festivities?”

  She flushed, surprising him that a woman with her confidence even knew how to be flustered.

  “I like the winter. When you spend centuries living literally in flames, a cool touch is a welcome gift.” She pointed at the small decorations of ribbons and ornaments seated upon the highest windowsill. “I merely am reminded of the peace and goodness in the world when even the deadliest men and women celebrate.” She looked at him, a softness in her features he hadn’t seen before. “Do you enjoy it?”

  “I do. I have always wished for something more than bobbles and trinkets.” He smirked despite himself. “I had not told Tesla this, but should he have cracked a way to trap light, I was going to include them on a tree. I should like to see it lit up, n
ot just decorated.”

  All at once she stopped walking and let go of his arm with a gasp. “Are you sincere?”

  He wasn’t certain why such an idea either intrigued or annoyed her so, but he felt compelled to answer truthfully as if their predicament required it. “Quite. Light has always fascinated me, it was the reason I applied to work under the famous Nikola Tesla.”

  “I have never in my life believed a mated mark to be more than a chemical response to another. Now,” she shook her head, as she smiled, “now I am not so certain. Less than a fortnight ago I had desired to light the tree as well. Perhaps there is more to this than I ever dreamed of.”

  The idea that two people could have the same thought, such a strange thought for their time, did not excite him. In fact, his stomach swirled with queasiness. As a man of science, he had accepted what had happened as a chemical reaction. Knowing that they had more in common than excellent bed play set his mind spinning out of control. What if we had been predestined to meet? What if nothing I have ever done has been of my choosing? Could there be no outrunning this? Will I spend my life with Clara even though at the present moment I merely fancy her?

  “It’s just through those doors,” Clara said, lifting a finger, and pointing in front of them.

  He turned, looking backwards to see how far through the hall they had walked during his small panic. Sweat dripped down his neck, and he wished he could wipe it away without alerting Clara to it. As both a hunter and an inventor it was likely she knew it meant he was nervous.

  Opening the door for her, he waited until she was inside to sit. A delicious smell, what he thought was ham and greens, delighted his nose as soon as he was in the chambers. His mouth watered and he realized this was the first time he had eaten there. His time had been spent learning or tinkering, leading him to eat where he had been.

  The hustle and bustle of the room did not astound him. He knew the London Guilds oft held upwards of two members, and that did not include the Alliance of Silver and Steam associates this guild held. Individuals of varying height and aged sat or roamed the room with their meal.

  “Come, you sit, and I will see to our food.” She led him to a relatively empty bench. “I’m doing it again, aren’t I?”

  “Doing what?” he asked, perplexed at her question.

  “Acting too much like a man and taking charge.”

  “I think in this scenario I much like that. I am new to . . . Well, everything. If you can help me gain my footing, I see no harm in that.” Except that I am also bedding you and it should be my duty to act like a man and not some nobleman requiring service.

  “Good. I am unsure how to behave and only wish to keep things heading in a positive course for us.” Turning, she walked on a diagonal, weaving through tables as was needed.

  He couldn’t help but watch the sway of her arse. Her actions might be less than feminine, but everything else about her screamed female. His prick had calmed as they’d walked, likely due to his panic, yet it was stirring with desire once again.

  “Welcome to the club, good to have you.” Lucius dropped down onto the bench across from Hugo, grinning. “I take it by the look on your face that you’re not quite interested in the elusive membership.”

  He stared the man, not even sure what to say except for, “how do you know?”

  Chuckling, Lucius waved at Seraphina and Kellan, people Hugo wasn’t certain he wanted to be acquainted with. He knew of them from his introduction to them and the Alliance story. Not to mention the way the bitch had taken his ability to move the day they had met.

  “My boy, my wife is both your employer and Clara’s. Not to mention a mate herself. Did you sincerely believe she would not be bursting at the seams to speak of it?”

  The logic was sound, even if Eliza had seemed as unhappy with the arrangement as he’d been scared by it.

  “I suppose I am shocked she had time to inform you.” He swallowed hard as Kellan and Seraphina joined Lucius at the table.

  “There is little time we do not spend in communication with each other. You’ll see.” He wiggled his brow.

  “He’ll see what?” Kellan asked, placing a napkin on his wife’s lap.

  “Our newest member has already found himself a place in our fucked up family.”

  “Bloody hell,” Seraphina said, clearing noticing the mark on his face. She sat back, smirking. “I had sensed potential in you when you tried to break my hold in the throne room. Had I known it was due to the fate that was awaiting you, I would have been nicer.”

  “Lass, I love ye, but ye couldnae be completely pleasant ta any but me.” Kellan snickered, tipping his goblet back, covering his mouth but not hiding the mirth in his green eyes.

  Seraphina shrugged. “That is quite possibly true. Man or woman?” She shuddered. “I find myself becoming more and more human with each passing year. Why should I even care?”

  “Because he’s clearly part of your family as well as a human one now.” Lucius’ words were filled with amusement.

  “Will you all bloody stop speaking as if I am not merely across the table from you!” His voice raised, drawing the gaze of people at both tables behind and next to his.

  That brought stronger laughter from them all.

  “Lad, there is going to be a lot of that. You see, you’re living in a community and now you’ve joined a smaller one. We watch our own in either case.”

  “Well, who is it?” Kellan asked impatiently.

  “Clara Borrowes.”

  Kellan let out a low whistle and leaned back grinning. “Bloke, ye’d best talk tae Felicia at some point.”

  “I have heard as much from Eliza. I think Clara and I would rather forge our path without interference.”

  “So, you are going all in, as Americans say?” Lucius asked, eyes flashing.

  “I have agreed to help her with . . . What she needs. I find her beautiful, brilliant and brave, and we will see where it goes from there.”

  “An alliteration? Are you certain you are a man of science? I find mostly pansy men to speak in such a manner.”

  Seraphina’s words weren’t filled with any emotion, but it drew out more of his annoyance.

  “I trust you all understand a proper secret as you’ve kept them from the world for nearly a century. This is betwixt Clara and myself. None else need to involve themselves. I might have rutted with her out of a lad’s need for release, but I will not leave her in a lurch, and I will not condemn us to a fate neither want.” His words were stern, something he was not used to as Nikola would not have tolerated such a headstrong attitude from him.

  He wasn’t certain, but it appeared that joining these people had turned his life upside down, but it had also granted him the ability to break free from a man who was stifling him, stopping him from reaching his potential and getting to be proud of himself.

  “Are we in trouble?” Clara asked sounding troubled as she walked up with two plates full of delectable smelling foods.

  “I’ve always liked you, even if you opposed me before I met Kellan,” Seraphina said. “I myself know the importance of a mated bond, and I hope the pair of you take it seriously.”

  “Aye, do a much better job than we did,” Kellan added solemnly. “Dinnae take it for granted. Dinnae try tae run from it.”

  Hugo wasn’t a fan of the king and queen of Hell, but he could sense the sorrow and sincerity in the Irishman’s warning.

  “We will do just fine. I am not certain why this makes us a couple in your interest, but I am older than most of you at this table and know how to conduct myself, and the importance of a mate for any demon.” Sitting, she fixed the others with a stare.

  “Watch yourself. Lucius and I far exceed you in age.” Seraphina’s fangs showed just under her lips. “And you answer to me in all things. If I see it fit to instruct you or help you, through this, you will not disrespect me.”

  Tension flared, and Hugo stood. “Do not threaten her.” He could feel a fire awakening in him, a n
eed to see to it that none ever bothered Clara again.

  “Oh, lay off them, Seraphina. Whilst they are blinded to their situation, it will not last long.” Lucius stood. “I see my spectacular wife arriving with our daughter. Welcome to the world’s most bizarre trick of fate, Hugo. I will leave you to it.” He gave a little bow and left the table.

  Seraphina sighed. “I apologize. I am not used to interacting with humans on pleasant matters. My time here sees me only with those in the council or Kellan. I wish you both the best.” She was gone before the sentence was finished.

  “Aye, temper on that one. Good tae see another in our midst. I’m confident we will be chattin’ later.” He nodded and rose, leaving them alone again.

  “I cannot believe that occurred,” Clara stewed beside him. “Next, they’ll have Felicia or Greyston banging on the door to each our quarters to lecture us.” She snorted. “Greyston was just a babe when I was nearly two hundred, there is naught he has to teach me.”

  “Two hundred?” His eyes widened as he stared at her. She was the picture of her prime; he could not imagine her to be so old.

  “Yes. I am almost four hundred. Demons age differently as you will as our life forces are tied together for as long as we acknowledge the mating.”

  “You might be the most beautiful four hundred I have ever seen.” The words slipped out as he continued to stare at how flawless she was.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. Seraphina is just over a thousand. She’s far more stunning than I.”

  He shook his head. “I cannot deny she is beautiful, but you are as well. She is fire whereas you are a storm. Dark and deadly when you wish to be. I can also sense a gentle nature in you, such as when you looked upon the Christmas tree.” He refrained from telling her again that he was accepting of what they needed to overcome. He’d said it far too many times in a short period, and he couldn’t help but wonder who he was trying to convince more, himself or Clara.